Replacement Glazing
As part of our standard refurbishment and repair works on your windows, we will replace any broken glass with the relevant required glazing according to AS1288. Windows that require glass replacement and have part of the glazing element below 800mm from the floor level, have to be replaced with toughened safety glass to meet Health & Safety Regulations. Similarly, any replacement glazing required in doors below 1.5 metres from ground level also has to be toughened glass.
Acoustic Glazing Upgrade
As part of our soundproofing service (Acoustic treatment), we can install Hush safety glass into existing timber windows which will give an additional 30% sound reduction to your windows. It has an acoustic interlayer that targets sound in the high-frequency range – the most sensitive range of human hearing. This level of sound reduction would normally demand a much thicker, far heavier product.
Thermal Glazing Upgrade
As part of our window refurbishment and HPSS installation and to provide additional thermal performance to your windows, we can install Low-E UV Glass. Low E glass has a special coating that allows light to pass through without emitting radiant heat, maximising both natural illumination and energy efficiency.
Combined Thermal & Acoustic Upgrade
If you require thermal and acoustic performance from your existing windows, we can install Comfort Hush glazing. This glass combines both the acoustic interlayer and low e coating to maximise the performance of your windows.
Double Glazing
In some cases and depending on the thickness and configuration of the sashes, we can install double-glazed units into existing sashes. We will conduct an assessment on-site to establish whether this can be achieved. If this isn’t possible, we can manufacture new sashes to house the double glazing and install them into the existing window frame.
For more information and technical specifications please contact us.
Getting Started
Throughout Sydney, Sash Masters creates a quality-finished product that combines an unrivalled client-based service with seamless and fluent solutions tailored for architects, construction professionals, builders, heritage consultants, owner’s corporations, strata management and luxury homeowners. Our all in one service is designed to make every aspect of your heritage restoration, large or small, seamless and predictably successful.
Heritage Conservation.
Performance Upgrading.
High Performance Glazing.
Carpentry Fitout.
Replacement Joinery.
Window Assessments.
Condition Reports.
Project Management.